Saturday Feb 17, 2024

Standing Firm in Authority Amidst Secular Challenges • Friday Service

Standing Firm in Authority Amidst Secular Challenges • Friday Service


To Give:

Brothers and sisters in Christ, today we stand at the precipice of a world that increasingly seeks to undermine the authority of the Gospel and dilute the potency of our faith. In this age, marked by secular ideologies and demonic influences, it's crucial that we, as followers of Christ, understand the times and know what we ought to do. The Word of God is not silent about these days; it forewarns us, equips us, and empowers us to stand firm in our authority as believers. Let us delve into the Scriptures, drawing from the New King James Version, to uncover the truth and the power we hold in declaring the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As we navigate the complexities of this age, marked by secular and demonic attempts to dilute the Gospel's authority, let us remember that we stand on the solid rock of Jesus Christ. Our foundation is unshakeable, our authority is unbreakable, and our victory is undeniable. Let us hold fast to the truth, walk in the Spirit, unite in prayer, engage in spiritual warfare, and witness with boldness, for we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. The secular and demonic forces have no hold on us; we are anchored in Christ, and in Him, we shall not be moved.

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