Monday Apr 01, 2024
The Return Of The Prodigals...Are We Ready? | The Todd Coconato Show
The Return Of The Prodigals...Are We Ready? | The Todd Coconato Show
Website: www.PastorTodd.org
To give: www.ToddCoconato.com/give
Join Todd Coconato on today's special episode of "The Todd Coconato Show" entitled "The Return of the Prodigals...Are We Ready?" as we delve into one of the most crucial conversations facing the church today. With the world in flux and uncertainty gripping many hearts, the topic of prodigals returning to the faith is more pertinent than ever.
In this insightful episode, Todd Coconato and his guests will explore the significance of being prepared for the prodigals' return. Are our hearts open? Are our arms ready to embrace those who may have strayed? More importantly, is the church equipped to handle the influx of individuals seeking solace, guidance, and redemption?
As we stand on the brink of what many believe to be a massive end-time harvest, it's imperative to assess our readiness. Are our communities, ministries, and leaders prepared to nurture and disciple those who are coming back to the fold? Join us as we unpack these pressing questions and delve into the vital importance of being prepared for the harvest that is coming.
Tune in to "The Todd Coconato Show" today and discover if the church is truly ready for the return of the prodigals.